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Stone Sculptor
"My passion is to create virtual records of cultural and personal events that have impacted me greatly. All of my work is rooted in observation - whatever is going on, I express it in stone. It could come out as Pop art, as an abstract form, or as a combination of both. The style I use is one that best reflects the inspiration behind each piece."
"I achieved my goal when the U.S. government wrote to tell me I cannot copyright a work of art because it too closely resembled the product that I chose to record in stone."
"The day I received that letter was one of the happiest days of my life."
Robin Antar, sculptor
“Antar’s work reminds me of everything that is good about artwork. It is fun, smart and solid.”
"Even [during] the more vital day of the Pop Art movement...nobody really took it to the level of stone. So what does that say about Antar as an artist? Clearly, she has respect for American commercial objects and an equal reverence for realism.”
“Robin Antar lives for her art. She is very good at what she does. Don’t be surprised if you find her ‘coming to a theater near you’ very soon.”
“Comparisons [of Robin Antar’s work] might be made with Claes Oldenburg or Jeff Koons. The answer to culture isn’t lurking in a high-art, theoretically-burdened manifesto, but rather in the simple, often silly, everyday articulations that come to act as metonym for an entire nation, society or ideology.”
“For too long, sculpture was in danger of losing its prominence as a major art form…..There are an astonishing array of possibilities now playing a part in sculpture. The following are some of the most exciting talents in sculpture today: Robin Antar” (The Best Sculptors in the World)
“Robin Antar is a no-nonsense sculptor who has recently been named the first female artist to be featured at POP International Galleries in New York.”
“These stone sculptures are so convincing that some of artist Robin Antar’s houseguests have actually mistaken them for the real deal.”
“Brooklyn artist [Robin Antar] turns the borough’s famed sandwich into a work of art.”
“Robin Antar’s catalogue of sculptures is as much a diverse blend of sincerity, gravity, charisma and quintessential New York City as her home borough of Brooklyn.”
“Through combining iconic images and skillful sculpting techniques, Robin Antar has been producing pieces for over 30 years that describe the American experience through a lens of pop culture.”
"Antar specializes in recreating everyday items we know and love or just take for granted. In the process, she’s become Brooklyn’s answer to Andy Warhol."
"Michelangelo carved angels...but rather than reach for angels, Antar strives for everyday objects."
"Antar is like the artwork she creates – one of a kind. She’s tough and she’s aggressive. Her work is a step beyond Warhol - she gets around to the back of the soup can, [while] he only expresses the same angle over and over again."
“Robin Antar’s attention to detail is phenomenal. It’s amazing to see the accuracy of the zipper [on the Diesel jeans], and even the lettering on the tag is very convincing.”
“Antar’s work reminds me of everything that is good about artwork. It is fun, smart and solid.”
"Even [during] the more vital day of the Pop Art movement...nobody really took it to the level of stone. So what does that say about Antar as an artist? Clearly, she has respect for American commercial objects and an equal reverence for realism.”
“Robin Antar lives for her art. She is very good at what she does. Don’t be surprised if you find her ‘coming to a theater near you’ very soon.”
“Comparisons [of Robin Antar’s work] might be made with Claes Oldenburg or Jeff Koons. The answer to culture isn’t lurking in a high-art, theoretically-burdened manifesto, but rather in the simple, often silly, everyday articulations that come to act as metonym for an entire nation, society or ideology.”
“For too long, sculpture was in danger of losing its prominence as a major art form…..There are an astonishing array of possibilities now playing a part in sculpture. The following are some of the most exciting talents in sculpture today: Robin Antar” (The Best Sculptors in the World)
“Robin Antar is a no-nonsense sculptor who has recently been named the first female artist to be featured at POP International Galleries in New York.”
“These stone sculptures are so convincing that some of artist Robin Antar’s houseguests have actually mistaken them for the real deal.”
“Brooklyn artist [Robin Antar] turns the borough’s famed sandwich into a work of art.”
“Robin Antar’s catalogue of sculptures is as much a diverse blend of sincerity, gravity, charisma and quintessential New York City as her home borough of Brooklyn.”
“Through combining iconic images and skillful sculpting techniques, Robin Antar has been producing pieces for over 30 years that describe the American experience through a lens of pop culture.”
"Antar specializes in recreating everyday items we know and love or just take for granted. In the process, she’s become Brooklyn’s answer to Andy Warhol."
"Michelangelo carved angels...but rather than reach for angels, Antar strives for everyday objects."
"Antar is like the artwork she creates – one of a kind. She’s tough and she’s aggressive. Her work is a step beyond Warhol - she gets around to the back of the soup can, [while] he only expresses the same angle over and over again."
“Robin Antar’s attention to detail is phenomenal. It’s amazing to see the accuracy of the zipper [on the Diesel jeans], and even the lettering on the tag is very convincing.”
“Antar’s work reminds me of everything that is good about artwork. It is fun, smart and solid.”
"Even [during] the more vital day of the Pop Art movement...nobody really took it to the level of stone. So what does that say about Antar as an artist? Clearly, she has respect for American commercial objects and an equal reverence for realism.”
“Robin Antar lives for her art. She is very good at what she does. Don’t be surprised if you find her ‘coming to a theater near you’ very soon.”